SERVICE Life extension

Each project has its own set of needs when it comes to life extension 

Life extension 1

Natural Power supports clients who want to extend their asset’s life.  

We understand the risks and opportunities at every stage of a project’s life because we work on every phase of a project’s lifecycle. This includes getting them ready to work beyond their original lifespan. We do this using our experience in analysing, developing and operating renewable assets.  

Extending the life of wind farms  

Repowering  involves taking apart and removing the existing turbine and building entirely  new turbines. This is close in size, scope and cost  to a new-build wind farm,  although it may be possible to use some of the existing infrastructure,  such as electrical cables and grid connections.   

Replanting sees original turbines  replaced with new ones, but they may still use the existing foundations, towers and layouts. Alternatively, the towers are replaced, but the foundations and height restrictions stay the same.   

Refurbishment  may see the renewal or replacement of generation equipment; blade repairs; repainting of towers; and improvements and upgrades to components such as the electrical infrastructure.   

Life extension  allows generators to operate turbines for longer than their planned life. This is one of the most cost-effective options as it keeps much of the existing infrastructure.  

Decommissioning. If life extension at your site isn't possible, we can also help support you in the decommissioning of your wind farm project. 


Extending the life of solar projects

Talk to us about our life extension services for solar projects


You can find out more in our brochure and our white paper on through life management of wind assets.