life at natural power

Sebastien François

Solar project manager

When did you join Natural Power? 

I joined Natural Power in 2020. I was attracted by the team's international dimension and variety of skills in the renewable energy sector. 


What does your day typically consist of?  

My daily routine varies depending on the stage of the project. For example, during the pre-construction phase, a regular day can be filled with CAD project design and meetings with clients to understand their needs and answering questions. Delivering site inspections and bringing technical expertise at different project stages are also at the heart of my routine. My role also involves delivering owners engineering services on solar projects throughout the construction process. 


What do you enjoy most about your role?  

Every project is different, and I like to understand the clients’ requirements, so I can best appreciate the complexity and specificities of each project. Seeing projects under construction through to inauguration is also very satisfying. 


What is the most interesting type of work you have done and why?  

In my experience, the most interesting projects I have worked on are agrivoltaic projects. These projects, blending electricity production with agricultural activities, are a great innovation for developing renewable energy capacity and achieving the ambitious photovoltaic development targets set by the government.  


What is your biggest achievement at work?  

One of my most fulfilling accomplishments at work has been witnessing clients return to collaborate with Natural Power again on complex projects following successful partnerships. Particularly, I am proud of our owner's engineering services encompassing health, safety, quality and environment (HSQE) aspects as well as planning and budget considerations. These services involve navigating the inherent hazards of construction sites, and we have sometimes helped clients save large resources by foreseeing technical risks and addressing operational challenges.